It’s been six months since WECO first carried out emergency relief to communities in Cambodia and India, while countries—especially lower-income countries—continue to grapple with the evolving pandemic.
In early September, WECO heard from local partners in Cambodia that circumstances had worsened and communities in rural areas were still unable to work, meaning once again they were experiencing food insecurity. Without any support from the government, many of these communities are completely on their own in terms of finding income and ways to feed their families.
In response to this urgent need, WECO held a fundraiser for $6,000 that would provide a total of 150 families living on the outskirts of Siem Reap with assistance. Our partners, local community workers Samuth Muon and Saven Ny, told us $40 would support one family for up to around three months with rice, noodles, seasonings, cooking oil, medical supplies, and hygiene products for each family. WECO was able to raise $5,000, which has enabled us to provide 100 families with this vital support so far.
The following photo gallery overviews this most recent round of relief to families living in extremely remote areas around Siem Reap:
As we look to the future, we hope to provide additional support to the remaining 50 families in need and our other partner communities that continue to face dire circumstances as COVID-19 drags on. If you or anyone you know is interested in helping WECO spread the word about these efforts, please reach out to us via our Contact Form. We will be raising money year round for current and future relief initiatives.